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Reema Lath

Reema Lath

Reema Lath
Consulting Principal

[email protected]

Reema Lath holds a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Science and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the College of Law NSW. She was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of NSW in 1999. She has 20 years of legal experience, spanning in diverse areas of law that have honed her skills to provide strategic legal solutions to her clients. She currently practices in:
Regulatory Compliance (ABF, TGA, AICIS, ASIC, ACCC, ASX, FCA, AUSTRAC), Corporate law , Commercial law (Property, Business, and Franchises), Property Development and Leases, Procurements, Intellectual Property law infringements (registration and protection of trade marks, designs and patents), Aviation law (leasing, contracts, insurances, liabilities and International jurisdictions), Cargo and Trade disputes, Consumer Protection, Aged Care and NDIS disputes, Debt Recovery, Commercial Litigation, Local Government and Council disputes, Merit Review of Government Decisions, Privacy, FOI and Data Protection (access and protection disputes), Migration law (visas and reviews), Criminal law (traffic offences, AVOs, bail Applications and minor offences).

Reema has held various roles in both the public and private sectors, showcasing her versatility, leadership, and expertise.

In 2000, she specialized in intellectual property law and set up expertise in IP/IT law for the firm she worked for. In 2004, she worked as a solicitor director for a multidisciplinary practice. She has represented clients in the Local Court, the District Court, the Federal Circuit, NCAT and AAT. In the public sector, Reema has made significant contribution in her roles with the federal Departments of Home Affairs and Health.

Recently, she obtained Diploma in International Aviation Laws from IATA and Certifications in International Arbitration from the International Chamber of Commerce, Public International Law from The Hague Academy of International Law, Business Management from AIM and Certificate IV in Government Investigations. She also volunteered for a community legal centre in civil and criminal matters.
